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Introduction to Bioinformatics


This is for sophomores and covers bioinformatics databases and tools.  In 2005, the course materials were initially based on EBI's 2can.  In 2006, I have entirely rewritten it by myself, starting with a examplery JMB paper and linking it to various databases and tools. Once again in 2015, I have overhaul it by presenting the Nic Volker's case of medical diagnosis using Exome-sequencing, followed by the basic concepts of bioinformatics that are required to understand the scientific report. In the end it covers most of the original materials.

PREZI presentation

This is somewhat out-dated lecture notes, given as a PREZI presentation (158 pages long, takes time to load). Its PDF version can be downloaded from my Google Drive.

YouTube online lectures

In 2016 Spring, the lecture style has been changed to a flipped learning. The online videos are available from YouTube. The syllabus and links to video can be found here.

K-MOOC lecture

Since 2017 Fall, the lecture has been hosted by K-MOOC. The 2018 Spring version is still available for auditing.

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